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Hawaii - Mönchsrobbe
Hawaii - Mönchsrobbe
Hawaiian monk seal , hawaii Kauai, sand sleeping seal enjoying the sun
Hawaiian monk seal , endangered animal, Kauai, hawaii
Hawaii Kauai hawaiian monk seal ( Monachus schauinslandi) mother with here pup. The pup likes to play but mum likes to rest and sleep.
Hawaii Kauai niiihau , Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus Schauinslandi)mother monk seal spends 5-6 weeks with here pup and don’t eat in this time. So she last a lot of weight in this time.
Hawaii Kauai , hawaiian monk seal with pup.Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most endangered seal species of the world.
Hawaii Kauai hawaiian monk seal pup
Hawaii Kauai hawaiian monk seal with here pup. ocean conservation helps this native hawaiian neomonachus schauinsland tropical seal to protect.
Hawaii Kauai hawaiian monk seal with her pup
hawaii, Kauai hawaiian monk seal
Hawaii Kauai , Niihau hawaiian monk seal
Hawaii Kauai , Niihau hawaian monk seal like to eat fish
Hawaii, Kauai , Niihau hawaiian monk seal
Hawaii Kauai Niihau hawaiian monk seal
hawawaiian monk seal resting at the beach after a hunting night,
Hawaiian monk seal
Hawaiian monk seal
Hawaiian monk seal
Hawaiian monk seal
Salt Pond Beach hawaii monk seal
Hawaiian wildlife refuge protects the seals Adult monk seal with some marks shark bites.
❤️ The tide is coming in!!!!
Salt Pond Beach and a rest Monk Seal... they come ashore to rest on the beach after hunting food all night... it's the season for them to pup their babies in the Spring...